Coversure Exclusions

Due to enhancements to the GlobalFusion International Medical Insurance Plan, the Coversure International Healthcare Cover plan is no longer available for new business or renewals with effect from 1st April 2014.

Existing Coversure Policyholders aged 65 years or older may be eligible to transfer to the Coversure Senior Plan.

New applicants or existing Coversure Policyholders aged 65 years and under may apply (or in some cases be transferred) to GlobalFusion International Medical Insurance Plan.

View the GlobalFusion International Medical Insurance Plan.

Other Exclusions and Limitations

As with all medical insurances, there are certain costs, expenses, conditions and claims which are not covered by the Coversure International Healthcare plan.

Please refer to the Schedule of Cover and Excesses applicable to your chosen Sub-Plan which should be read in conjunction with the full Policy Wording (available upon request) in order to obtain a definition of pre-existing conditions and a complete list of terms, conditions and exclusions relevant to your chosen Sub-Plan.

Key Exclusions Include:

  • There is no cover for Chronic Medical Conditions
  • We will not cover the first 20% of all admissible benefits (the minimum being Your selected level of Minimum/Voluntary Medical Excess) where treatment is not provided in a Participating Hospital that is in the IMG Direct Billing Network 
  • We will not cover treatment of any condition of the breast or the prostate; tonsillectomy; adenoidectomy; haemorrhoids or haemorrhoidectomy; any disorder of the reproductive system; hysterectomy; hernia; intervertebral disc disease; gall stones; or kidney stones, which manifest themselves or involve procedures which take place or are recommended during the first 90 days of cover under Your Plan, beginning on the Effective Date 
  • In the case of hospitalisation due to Illness there is a waiting period of 30 days as from the Effective Date of the Plan. This restriction shall not apply in the event of Emergency Treatment or cover may be allowed at the sole discretion of the Insurer where transferring from another Health Insurance Plan and provided cover has been continuous.

Please note charges for the above may be further limited or excluded under the Pre-Existing Condition exclusion and/or the chronic condition limitation.